What is Blacklist? What reasons to get you into Blacklist?

What is Blacklist? What reasons to get you into Blacklist?
*New common reasons in the system to make you go into this list?
What is Blacklist?
Blacklist is a system that includes a list of people being banned from Vietnam, it links with all over Vietnam immigration and police system.
But now The Immigration policy becomes stricter for unclear purposes of foreigners staying in Vietnam.
Which reasons can they get you into the Blacklist?
1. Overstaying your visa (if your visa has been expired for 1 month or more, you are likely to be listed in the BL and in some exceptional cases, overstaying 1- 2 days are still counted)
2. Using fake company, newborn company or un-working company to sponsor for the visa
3. Having wrong category of visa
4. If local police come to check the residents or the workplace, foreigners cannot prove their Visa purpose
5. Belonging to 1 of the Difficult nationalities
6. Misunderstanding the visa processing and process it in wrong way (Having new passport, passport lost/ stolen)
7. If expats are reported by the sponsor companies that they used to break the contracts or have any illegal actions, they are likely to get in the Blacklist
Sunviet is the problem solver for you, guide you how to deal with Blacklist problem in the right way.
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