Summarize of changes in Visa Policies throughout the pandemic

In the last few months, there were a lot of changes in visa policies due to the COVID-19, some of you might have missed some information.

Sunviet will help you summarize all the visa information in the last 2 months, feel free to contact us for more information:

February 3th, 2020: Travelers from highly affected area will have to be putted in 14-day quarantine program

February 28th, 2020: Halt visa waiver policy for South Korea nationality

March 3rd, 2020: Temporary stop visa waiver program for Italian nationality

March 6th, 2020: All travelers have to fill in Medical declaration on arrival at Vietnam airports and Ground borders

March 9th, 2020: Halt visa waiver program of 8 more nationalities: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland

March 11th, 2020: All visa application from these 11 nationalities will be denied: China, South Korea, Italian, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland

March 13th, 2020: Vietnam halt issuance all type of visa for all nationalities

March 17th, 2020: Stop receiving new Work permit application.

March 21st, 2020: Halt entry of all foreigners into Vietnam, also on this date, Stop issuance new Temporary Resident card (TRC) for all nationalities

March 24th, 2020: Some of the policies are back to normal to support foreigners staying inside Vietnam: Issuing again Temporary resident card for all nationalities. Who is holding business visa still can get multiple entries visa extension inside Vietnam

Finally, on March 31st, 2020: Start of nationwide social distancing campaigns, apply from April 1st to April 15th, 2020.

*Special: Discount 10% all services in Disease season to support customers staying inside Vietnam through the pandemic, discount code: YTSUNCOV19

Note: Throughout this whole time, Sunviet still can help you to extend your visa for 1-3 months right inside Vietnam, no matter what types of your current visa is.

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